Frequently Asked Questions for Faculty
Q. My advisee graduated this last term, and I can no longer see her/him in my Advisor Center. Why?
A. Because those students graduated, they are no longer “active” in the student information system and therefore no longer accessible by their advisors. For additional assistance, please contact our office.
Q. One of my students stopped attending class and never dropped to my knowledge. What grade do I enter for her/him?
A. The student should receive an F (or NC for No Credit, contingent on the grading basis for the course) for failing to complete the class and requirements for full grading.
Q. How does my program appear with The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board as far as title and degree classification go?
A. You may generate a current listing of all approved degree-granting programs on inventory by visiting The THECB by visiting their website, selecting Health Related Institutions, searching for our institution name, and clicking the Search button.
Q. My dean has spoken with me about proposing a new program. How do we get the ball rolling?
A. Submit a New Academic Program Inquiry to the Office of the University Registrar for guidance on prospective program submission. The approval process takes place based on the number of semester credit hours required to obtain the degree sought to be offered. Therefore, you must first draft a degree plan including semester credit hours that reflect the contact hours. Other key steps at the onset include a market analysis of the demand for jobs that graduates from the program would typically seek, as well as a survey of similar programs in the region. In addition to THECB approval, a notice to our regional accreditation body, SACS-COC will be required. Additional requests for approval or notification may be necessary to any profession-specific accreditation bodies for your program or school.