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Visiting Students

About Visiting Students

UT Health San Antonio welcomes Visiting Students enrolled in colleges and universities around the world, and we welcome Visiting Students all year round, however the $25.00 processing fee is assessed on an academic cycle (7/1 – 6/30) and is non-refundable and non-transferable. As a visiting student, you must first reach out to the UT Health Sponsoring Department/Unit or Individual Sponsor. The admission process for visiting students is selective and space dependent.  Admissions standards are comparable to those for traditional, degree-seeking students.

A Visiting Student is a non-UT Health San Antonio student enrolled at another institution of higher education or high school who seeks a short-term educational experience at UT Health San Antonio. An individual is considered a Visiting Student if participating in activities with the University for more than three (3) cumulative days. Post-baccalaureate individuals and those with a professional degree are also eligible to be Visiting Students if they are enrolled at another institution of higher education. For detailed information about Visiting Students please Visiting Student Policy (HOP 14.2.2)

The visiting student must first establish sponsorship from one of the UT Health Sponsoring Department/Unit or individual sponsor before submitting an electronic Visiting Student Application. The visiting student may apply after they have established a UT Health San Antonio Sponsor.

Expectations and Responsibilities for Visiting Students and Department/Unit Sponsors

Visiting Student and Sponsoring Department/Unit or Individual Sponsor are encouraged to first review the Visiting Student Policy: Visiting Students Policy (HOP 14.2.2)

Visiting Student Requirements:

  • Must be mentored and sponsored by a UT Health San Antonio Department/Unit or Individual Sponsor.
  • The Visiting Student must submit an electronic Visiting Student Application and pay the $25.00 processing fee. The Processing fee is assessed on an academic cycle (7/1 – 6/30) and is non-refundable and non-transferable. The fee must be paid when completing the electronic application, if not paid while completing the application, the process is not complete and the visiting student will not be processed.
  • Must complete and provide the following forms and required documentation:
    • Criminal Background Check
    • Immunization Records
    • Proof of Malpractice Insurance, if applicable
    • Proof of Health Insurance
    • Visitor Application fee

Once the Visiting Student electronic application is completed and signed/approved by all parties, the application will be sent electronically to the Office of the University Registrar for processing. The Office of the University Registrar requires a minimum of 3 business days upon receiving the electronic application to complete the application process, therefore applicants and sponsors must plan accordingly.

Visiting Students with previous UT Health SA affiliation:
Once the electronic application is processed, these Visiting Students will be contacted to pick up a letter with their UT Health SA login credentials and a Memo that is required when obtaining their UT Health SA ID badge from the UT Police Department. Parking Permits may also be purchased from the UT Police Department.

Visiting Students without previous UT Health SA affiliation:
Once the electronic application is processed, these Visiting Students will receive an email notification with their UT Health SA login credentials and do not require a Memo when obtaining their UT Health SA ID badge from the UT Police Department. Parking Permits may able purchased from the UT Police Department.

Sponsoring Department/Unit/Individual Sponsor Responsibilities:

  • Communicate policy requirements, compliance, and documentation to Visiting Students.
  • Collaborate with the Visiting Student to ensure visiting student submits the application and pays the fee.  Verifies that the Office of the University Registrar has received all required documentation at least 3 business days before the expected start date.
  • Ensure that a Visiting Student completes all necessary training, including mandatory compliance training required of any student on campus.
  • Validate and complete all requirements found in the Attestation Agreement form located inside the Visiting Student Application. The attestation will be obtained electronically once the Visiting Student completes the electronic application and pays the fee.
  • Complete exit procedures and paperwork along with ensuring required security measures have been met upon completion of the visit. This includes, but is not limited to, returning ID badges, inactivating access to systems, and completing evaluations.

Note: UT Health San Antonio no longer requires COVID-19 vaccination for students or visitors. However, staying up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations, including booster shots, remains strongly recommended for the health and safety of the student and campus community. All are welcome to wear masks anytime they choose.